The later version of the YHC-1B fitted with T55-L-7 turbines.
Military CH-47As were built around the box-like cabin, which was specified to hold 33 to 44 combat-ready troops. Alternately, 24 casualties on litters (and two medical attendants) could be carried, or bulk cargo of roughly 9,525 kg (21,000 lbs). The lower portion of the cabin was sealed, forming a water-tight compartment that enabled amphibious operation.
Latest or last design authority:
The Boeing Company
Originally designed by The Boeing Company - Vertol Division
Latest or last primary manufacturer:
The Boeing Company
Originally manufactured by The Boeing Company - Vertol Division
Parent type: Boeing Model 234/H-47 Chinook
Aircraft status: No longer flying
VTOL type: Helicopter
Lift devices: 2 in Tandem (Fore/aft) configuration
Crew required: 2 in Side-by-side arrangement
Landing gear: Wheels (some retractable)