
Data on design, manufacture and status

Design authority: The Boeing Company

Primary manufacturer: The Boeing Company

Parent type: Boeing Model 234/H-47 Chinook

Aircraft status: Operational


Primary flight and mechanical characteristics

VTOL type: Helicopter

Lift devices: 2 in Tandem (Fore/aft) configuration

Crew required: 2 in Side-by-side arrangement

Landing gear: Wheels (non-retractable)

Key Characteristics

Data on key physical features

Aircraft Details

Data on aircraft configuration, weights, flight performance and equipment


References and sources used

Backgrounder | CH-47F Chinook
Boeing Defense, Space & Security
Boeing Product website, 2010, Jun
Succinct history of the CH-47 program and CH-47F history

Related VFS Resources

Resources related to the CH-47F , provided by the Vertical Flight Society.
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Related Public Resources

Resources related to the CH-47F , provided by public sources across the internet.
