This was a Lycoming T-53-L-13B, modified for vertical starting and running


Data on manufacture and type

Manufacturer: Lycoming Engines

Powerplant type: Turbine

Powerplant Ratings

Provided powerplant data is for uninstalled, sea level, static operations.

This was a Lycoming T-53-L-13B, modified for vertical starting and running

Normal Ratings
Max continuous: 933 kW 1250 hp
Take-off / rated: 1156 kW 1550 hp
OEI Ratings
OEI contingency: 1344 kW 1802 hp
OEI continuous:  
OEI 30-second:  
OEI intermediate:  


References and sources used

The History of the XV-15 Tilt Rotor Research Aircraft
Maisel M. D., Giulianetti, D. J., Dugan, D. C.
NASA SP-2000-4517, Monographs in Aerospace History # 17, The NASA Histories Series, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Policy and Plans, NASA History Division, Washington D.C., 2000 (page 131)
Very comprehensive and detailed report including dimensions, powerplant and performance. Also covers the design and development history of earlier tilt rotor projects.

Aircraft using the Lycoming LTC1K-41K