De-rated from 1250 shp to 730 shp for this application


Data on manufacture and type

Manufacturer: GE Aviation

Powerplant type: Turbine

Powerplant Ratings

Provided powerplant data is for uninstalled, sea level, static operations.

De-rated from 1250 shp to 730 shp for this application

Normal Ratings
Max continuous:  
Take-off / rated: 544 kW 730 hp
OEI Ratings
OEI contingency:  
OEI continuous:  
OEI 30-second:  
OEI intermediate:  


References and sources used

S-62 (HH-52A, S-62A, S-62B, S-62C)
Devine, V
Igor Sikorsky Historical Archives, Sikorsky Product History, 14 Jun 2015
Comprehensive history of the design and development of the model

Aircraft using the GE T58-GE-8 (HH-52)