Enlarged 4-seat successor to the R22
Enlarged 4-seat successor to the R22
R44 (higher serial nos.)
R44 (lower serial nos.)
R44 II
December 10, 1992
R44 Raven I:
Robinson R44 certificated
July 12, 1996
R44 Clipper I:
Robinson R44 Clipper I certificated
August 8, 1997
R44 Raven I:
Fastest speed around the world, eastbound, by a piston engine rotorcraft (Robinson R44 Astro)
June 30, 2002
R44 Raven I:
A Robinson R44 becomes the first piston engined helicopter to land at the North Pole
January 18, 2005
R44 Raven II:
Robinson R44 Raven II lands at the South Pole
May 6, 2016
R44 Cadet:
Robinson's R44 Cadet FAA Certificated