Search for Milestones in Vertical Flight


The development of vertical flight is marked with important events. Vertipedia recognizes these "milestones" that have helped shape vertical flight's history. Browse our growing database of historical milestones by year, by relative importance of each milestone, or by the type of milestone. You can also search by key word or phrase using the quick seach box above.

Milestones happening on February 08:

1935 First flight of the Westland CL.20 autogiro/gyroplane

Milestones by year

1907 2019



Milestones by Site or Location

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Milestones by importance or type of event

Milestones in Vertipedia are categorized by relative importance and type. A momentous milestone, for example, can be seen as a fundamental event in the development of VTOL aircraft. A significant milestone is a very important event in the development of VTOL aircraft and operations, while a notable milestone is worth noting in VTOL history.

Milestone types focus on the context in which the event took place. A technology milestone, for example, represents a key point in the development of technical aspects of vertical flight. Record milestones represent formal observances ratified by an independent body. An operational milestone signifies the first use of a VTOL aircraft to achieve a defined flight or other operational capability. Finally, people milestones are related to key people in VTOL history.

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